Home » Aero-Gro: Why Aeroponics?


Aeroponics Vs. Traditional Farming:

Green lettuce grown during winter using aeroponics
Aeroponic Lettuce – January, 2021
  • Year-round growing – Aeroponics fits into a category of farming known as “Soilless Controlled Environment Agriculture” (CEA). This means that the grower controls all environmental conditions including air flow, light level, nutrients, water, and space.
  • 300% faster growth – Plants get exactly what they need, when they need it, in the correct form they need, which significantly speeds up plant growth.
  • 30% greater yield – The efficiency of the aeroponic process allows for greater yields.
  • Use 98% less land – Aeroponic plants have all of their needs met in a small amount of grow space, which frees them to use all of their energy to grow.
  • Use 95% less water – Aeroponics uses 95% less water than other growing methods, making it particularly attractive for use in household environments.
  • Safer and cleaner – An indoor growing environment eliminates the need for herbicides and pesticides. This automatically results in a more natural, safer, and inherently organic product.

Empty grocery shelves, 2021

Food Security

Aero-Advantage: 300% faster plant growth

Because aeroponics is so efficient and optimized, it’s faster than any other growing method – up to 300% faster!

It’s not difficult to see how faster growing speed is advantageous – especially during a food crisis.

Indoor growing technologies provide an ideal way to grow the healthiest produce your family has ever tasted, while also being prepared for uncertainty.

You’ve got this, and we can help!

Commercial farming using dangerous chemicals

Pesticides and Acid Rain

Aero-Advantage: clean, chemical-free produce

Insects perform an enormous number of tasks in nature, and we wouldn’t be alive without them. We just don’t want them eating all of our vegetables!

Unfortunately, other contaminants like bird droppings, e-coli from farm runoff, acid rain, contaminated water used on crops, and human/animal fecal contamination are all well-known hazards of commercial growing.

When you grow your own, using clean aeroponics and proven techniques, you bypass all of those issues.

Rabbits eating your vegetables

Back Yard Critters

Aero-Advantage: controlled environment

A rabbit’s favorite thing to eat is your baby plants. Your seedlings are a delicacy in their world.

Squirrels, moles, mice, groundhogs and many other critters also enjoy munching on your food supply.

With an indoor grow setup, your edibles are safe from harm.

50 micron spray nozzle

50 Micron Magic

30% increased yield
300% faster growth

For efficient root absorption, 30-80 microns is an acceptable water droplet size range, while 50 microns is ideal.

The finer droplets encourage the growth of finer root hairs, which increases the overall uptake of the plant. The increased uptake results in faster growing and higher yields!

Bonus Benefit: The high level of aeration also helps prevent many of the pathogen-based root diseases that can occur when moisture levels are excessively high.

Design Flexibility

Aero-Advantage: adaptable for Any Installation

Because there is no standing water or heavy soil when growing with aeroponics, plants can be held in place in a variety of ways.

Systems can be custom-designed and adjusted to work with specific architecture and space requirements.

This level of flexibility is important when installing systems in a home, office, or public space, due to the great variety of floor plans and architecture.

Clean, fresh vegetables produced with aeroponics

It’s Just So Darn Clean!

Aero-Advantage: clean, simple design and maintenance

Everything used in the process of aeroponics is based around cleanliness, which is important in a closed system.

All parts are designed to be easily washable, easy to handle, and specifically made to be food-safe.

There is simply no cleaner, more optimized or method of growing than aeroponics. This also means it’s super-safe for pets, children, and the environment!

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